Friday, October 5, 2007

This is kind of interesting and exciting to share a blog with jerlyn! anyway i have a testimony to share!! kind of timely huh. first entry and it will be a testimony. good start yea.

Here it goes.... i received my prelim results a few weeks ago and was super disappointed with the results. partially because my peers were receiving results tt are way much better than mine. though mine wasnt that bad as i've improved a little from my mid years. but relative to theirs, it appeared bad. i was not only disappointed with myself for not studying hard enough but also disappointed with God. Knowing that bitterness will not be good, i seeked God for peace and healing. He showed me that results are not everything in this world and my purpose is not just all about scoring great results. Futhermore, if i score a not so good results for prelims and score well for a's, it will be a greater testimony compared to scoring well for both prelims and a's. there is a greater contrast. Amazingly, in the same week, someone shared the same 'theory' during fuel discussion period. cool eh. so i've of received reaffirmation and manage to get over emo-ing. 2 weeks after tt, the school wanted us to verify our prelims results and i was thinking, i've just gotten over the emo-ing, now need to face it again? rroooaaarr. when i logged into my account, it reflected grades that differs so great frm my original ones. they've moderated my grades! and its not just one subj but 4 out of 5. how cool is that?

ok, though those moderated grades do not reflect on my true capability but it clearly showed the favour that our wonderful God has placed upon my tutors to even push up my grades. some may say, oh well, if they moderate ur grades, they've probably moderated the rest of the students' grades. but but but..... the fact is tt there is a subj that my friend and i had the same marks but my grade had been pushed up. God has been soooooooooo faithful.

now, i feel sorry for being disappointed with God at first. So, dont underestimate our God yea. For all those mugging hard for national exams, dont be dishearten if u din meet ur expectation, God will just amaze you with the His plans for you. Moreover, it is not the end results that matter, but the process.. though society paints the portrait that of results is everything, but that's not our true purpose in life right? Just pray hard and believe even harder. (: and take this time to stretch your faith to a higher level.

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

what route did the maniac take through the forest?
ans: psychopath


God bless! -meiping (:

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