Wednesday, October 31, 2007

today's jam to school was crazy. i was like almost 30mins late for tutorial. haha. and i felt like a superwoman after i alighted cause i rushed to school la. and i was praying so hard i don't fall FLAT. haha. and thank God i didn't cause if u all know me i am someone who is so prone to falling FLAT! i must say i'm an expert manz! haha. which is not a good thing cause i had so many experiences till i'm scare already. cause can you imagine how "glam" i must have looked when i fell. haha! - i know all of you can imagine but please don't.(:

hmmmm. today was actually a short sum up i actually ended school at 11am today and went kbox with angel,sq,leo,cx,camilia and johnathAn! haha.

i have just one word : FUN!(:

ps: don't worry we didn't break the glass in the room. haha.

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