for first half of the year, i was struggling with the PL/adam transition thingy. i know it took me a long time. causing me to be a 'zombie' at times when i go to church. ok.. this is super bad. but thank GOD, i gotten out of it. (: i kept using my practical mind to rationalise with things. wondering why would such a thing have to occur. i know i have the answers at that time, but it just couldn't sink in. the feeling was horrible. BUT, thank GOD for sis gwen who sat down and spoke to me abt this issue. the answers finally manage to sink in. it took me sometime to really get out of it. which eventually, im out of it. hehe. anyway, appreciate all the leaders who cared for me. really respect them. they have their own life, own commitments in work, yet they still make the effort to make sure we are fine. i know they have their problems too, but they still went the extra mile. so sweet.
looking back, i've seen how much jerlyn and i grown. if we are together, i think this growth wouldn't have catalyst so quickly. we will rely on one another more, waiting for one another to move, before we will move. when we are out of our comfort zone, we grow a lot. this is super true (: somehow or rather i know this(growth) will happen when we are going to different centres. perhaps i was too myopic and didnt see the long run effects. (sounds like econs. haha)
school- super mundane. with endless tutorials and lecture test and endless lectures and tutorial lessons. not forgetting, the super screwed up timetable that my class shared. school was not interesting when we had to end school so late and lots of breaks in between. at least, im out of it. but there are certain amt of fun injected into tutorials. with all those teasings and crapping. friends who can play along to my lame comments and stupid acts. haha.
friends in church -
jerlyn: seen her grown a lot. very happy for her. friendship still growing strong. so different centres doesnt make any difference. treasure the times when we catch up with one another. i'll never forget the time when we talked in the bus stop. super funny. hahahaha. i guess next yr will be a busier year but a more fruitful year as well. keep on shining girl (:
bernice: my SP!! thank GOD for her grooming me. (: teaching me, guiding me. learnt a lot from her. in terms of discipleship. super hilarious girl who says stupid things that are occasionally funny. haha.
carolyn: brave girl. muscle woman. hahaha. another person who says funny stuff that make me laugh non-stop.
sherlyn: streetsmart!!!! shopping queen. reacts to things that make me laugh too. hahaha. really respect her for hanging on when things doesnt seem right for her. need to learn frm her. (:
of course, got more things to say abt them. but will only say it in their xmas cards. haha. so that's a hint girls.
jc friends- nice bunch of pple on a whole. can play along with my lameness. haha. (:
church camp was good, as usual. my expectations were met. get to know more friends. (: most importantly, encountered GOD. (:
Father's love was great. its more than just the songs, lightings, drama. it's the preaching by pastor gerald that i think it had impacted many lives of the people. (:
going to start work soon. stress? i'll not know, but im expecting it. going to be a whole new experience for me. first job!! haha.
i think that's abt it. shall blog abt my expectation for next year soon. (or perhaps in my personally diary)
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